Chapter 2 - The Capital Rejoined

by Adrian Sweeney - Approx 9053 words

The elven city docks were unlike anything that Mal had seen before. The same quirky aspect of the city was evident here, with buildings seeming to have been built so as not to disturb the surrounding trees. It was as if the thought of cutting down even one of the trees would have been unthinkable to the elves. It led to a view of the city docks that, while beautiful, was so haphazard that it verged onto laughable.

A narrow road led between a bunch of trees that separated the docks almost in two. Wooden piers led out into a slow-moving muddy brown river. The selection of haphazard buildings ranged from offices and warehouses to taverns. Prince Salistar led everyone to a nearby tavern and told them to wait for him to return.

The Prince headed towards a nearby group of men. “Hello, gentlemen,” he said.

Turning around, one of the men, an Elf whose clothing showed a bit of wear and tear, was holding a sheaf of papers and had an ink-tipped feather behind one pointy ear that’s ink has stained the tip of his left ear. He took into account the Prince’s fine clothes and said, “I’m the Master of these docks, my Lord. You may call me Találíen, and if you bear with me, my Lord, I’ll just deal with these gentlemen and be right with you.”

Receiving a nod from Prince Salistar, he turned back to the men he had been talking with. After a few minutes, they shook hands, and the men departed.

“Thank you for your patience, my lord; how may I help you today?” asked Találíen.

“I was told that there was a merchant ship that would be heading back to Caplo today at noon. Could you tell me where I might find its Captain? I need to see if he has room for my party.”

“Mmmm, let me see,” he said, leafing through the sheaf of papers. “I assume that would be Captain Gantis his boat is The Oceans Embrace; it should be down that pier over there,” he said, pointing to one of the piers. “It’s the last boat on the left.”

“Thanks for the information,” said Prince Salistar with a small courteous bow to the Dock Master.

“Your welcome, my lord, safe travels to you and your party,” he replied before turning away to deal with another merchant looking his attention.

Prince Salistar headed down the pier past two beautiful looking ships. Coming at last to a vessel that was old and definitely in need of some repair. It had two masts and looked fast even for its age. Two men stood talking in the middle of the deck. One man who the Prince took to be Captain Gantis was dressed in black trousers and a red double-breasted coat that had seen better days. His jet black hair was tied back in a ponytail, and he had a mean-looking scar on his left cheek. The other man was dressed in blue trousers and a white linen shirt. Both men’s faces had the weathered look of men that were out in the sun for long periods.

Coughing loudly to get their attention Prince Salistar asked in a voice loud enough to carry to the two men, “Captain Gantis?”

The man in the red coat turned around, and taking into account the Princes’ clothes, he responded: “Yes my Lord, I am Captain Gantis, no more honourable Captain on the Nine seas, how may my crew and I help you today?”

“I hear you might be able to ship some passengers to Caplo? Would this be true?”

“I can, and yes, it is your lordship. Can I ask who I would be transporting?”

“Myself, six of my men and a Lady,” replied the Prince; he didn’t like this man for some reason and decided to hold back who he really was for some reason.

“Mmm, let’s see, we have only got space in the hold, and it’s four days at sea, I’ll need to get provisions to feed you all let’s say five gold marks should cover it, and I’ll want the money upfront.”

“Six gold half now half when we arrive,” he said, hold up three golden coins “, and we’ll have two of your cabins, one for me and one for the lady.”

“Done then, give the gold to Jameson here, who will get our supplies. We sail in the hour if you’re not here, we’ll leave without you and take your gold for the trouble,” said Captain Gantis.

“The rest of the party is at a nearby tavern. I’ll be back shortly, have your things removed from the cabins.” Said the Prince as he turned and headed back up the pier.

As he walked along the pier, he worried about the prophecy and what it meant.

The dark elves had almost succeeded in springing their trap and failed. While the Prince and his Squire had been unable to get back to the main party. Their only recourse had been to flee into the woods and try and lose the elves that had chased them.

Now Malderia’s fate was tied to his, a commoner girl, but he couldn’t get her out of his head for some strange reason. When she came up to the fire the other night, he thought his heart would explode; it was banging that hard. She was not like the court ladies, who were all prim and proper; none of those had raised these feelings in him before.

As he passed, the Dock Master, lost in thought, barely hearing the Dock Master call to him.

“So, my Lord, did you find your ship?”

“Yes, my thanks to you.”

“Bit of an old bucket, I’m afraid, but Captain Gantis is a good and honourable man. He’ll get you safely to the city, mark my words.”

The Prince felt a bit ashamed that he had judged the Captain just on his first impressions and mumbled his thanks to the dockmaster as he headed to the tavern to pick up the rest of his party.

When he arrived back at the tavern, they were all standing around with tankards.

“I took the liberty of getting everyone a tankard of Elven Mead; my Lord, would you have time for one? It is quite delicious,” said Master Johana. “I also took the opportunity to get a cask of Mead and a small cask of Abilon Red, my Lord.” he finished.

“None now, though you have my thanks. We have a ship to catch; it leaves on the tide, so we need to hurry and get on. Listen now while on this ship, you will call me your Lordship and Mal her Ladyship if anyone asks; she is my cousin. Any agents that are looking for a prince and his group might be fooled for a time. Once we are back at my fathers, keep we’ll be safe. Now let’s go.”

Picking up their belongings, they headed to the ship. Again Prince Salistar asked permission for their group to board and waited for it to be granted. As they stepped onto the deck. Prince Salistar turned to the Captain.

“Captain Gantis, may I present Lady Malderia, my cousin.”

“Your ladyship,” said the Captain bowing slightly; his gaze covered her from head to toe, taking into account her elven clothes and the bow she carried his interest had indeed been captured.

“Jameson, my first mate, will show you to your cabins; since we are all here, we might as well sail with the tide.”

Turning to the crew, the Captain ignored them as Jameson led them below. As they entered the cabins that Mal and the Prince would be using, they could hear the Captain shouting, “Cast off those lines”.

Jameson left them to themselves once he was confident they were settling into the cabins.

When they all arrived in the Prince’s cabin, they felt the current starting to pull the ship out into the sluggish river. A much smoother experience than that first journey almost a month before.

Turning to the group, the Prince signalled for the door to be closed.

“Now, since Mal and myself seem to be the targets of these assassins. I want a guard on the cabins and Mal at all times. Now I don’t think that we are in any danger on this ship but let’s start as we plan to go on, and I want the Captain of this ship to think of me as a rich traveller with a lady in tow it is a few days to the capital so let us relax and try some of that mead,” he said with a smile.

“I hope that you will have some guards on you as well, your highness, we are both hunted, and I can look after myself, don’t forget,” said Mal with a tone that expressed her annoyance at being thought of as needing to be protected.

“Yes, neither of us will be allowed to be alone, I assure you.”

They settled down, some watching the river bank slide by others took out their bag of pebbles and started playing.

As nite settled upon the ship, they could smell the salt in the air. The Captain had arrived and informed them that they would be anchoring for the nite by the river banks.

They settled in for the night after dining on salted fish and thick gravy that didn’t seem to remove much of the salt.

Tomi and Darr took positions outside of the cabins. As Mal and the Prince went to sleep.

Mal woke suddenly; it was pitch dark, her eyes trying to adjust to the dark. She wondered why she had woken; something was wrong; she could feel it. Slipping out of the bunk, she belted on her sword and drew its steel. The hairs on the back of her neck were standing up, and every fibre of her body screamed something was wrong. Opening the door, she saw Tomi and Darr, who turned to look at her standing in the doorway holding her sword. Without thinking, they drew their swords and rushed into the Prince’s cabin.

There, coming in through the window, was a dark shape. The moonlight glinted off the sharp edge of the dagger in the hand of the assailant. The light of the hall flooded into the room as Darr shouted, “BEWARE!!!”.

The shadowy figure dived for the bunk, and only Darr’s warning caused the Prince to have enough time to move out of the way. Darr and Tomi charged into the room, their daggers able to move easier in the tight quarters. A frenzied battle erupted in the small cabin as the two friends moved together and attacked the intruder.

The battle was fierce, with both boys having to spend more time deflecting attacks than attacking, but as they moved into the room proper, they started to push the intruder towards the corner that he came in from. Suddenly the intruder threw a bag of dust into the air, which shimmered in the air and jumped out the cabin window. The sound of a splash denoted that the intruder had entered the water.

As Darr moved to enter the dust, the Prince shouted, “Darr, STOP!! Everyone out of the room and DO NOT BREATH in any of that dust.” The authority in his voice stopped Darr just at the edge of the dust cloud. “Back away now, Darr, everyone up on deck.”

The bellowing voice of Captain Gantis could be heard: “What’s going on here?”

The first mate Jameson called back from the front of the ship, “It’s Finn, sir, he’s dead.”

Seeing the group approaching from below, he turned to the Prince. Sorry, your lordship seems one of my men has been killed.

“We had an intruder in the cabins below; he jumped out of the window into the river.”

“Did he steal anything?” inquired the Captain thinking that it was a thief.

“I’ll let the elven guard know when I’m back next, and they’ll hunt down this thief never fear. That is if they haven’t caught him by the time I come back.”

“I fear that it wasn’t a simple robbery, Captain. The man in my quarters tried to kill me, not rob me”. Seeing the shock on his face and not wanting to tell the Captain everything, he continued, “You see, I’m carrying some information that I must get to the king as soon as possible. This man was trying to stop me from getting that information to the king.”

Turning to his first mate, who was standing on the other side of the deck, wrapping the body of Finn in canvas. “Master Jameson cast off and get under sail.”

“We’ll get you there in one piece, my Lord.” turning, he started bellowing orders in unison with master Jameson; soon, the ship was free of its moorings and slipping back out into the sluggish water.

Suddenly Mal spun her sword whipping free of the sheath; the sound of her sword whistled through the air as she deflected an arrow that was inches from the Prince’s face.

“Get his lordship inside now,” she ordered while deflecting another arrow. Cursing that she didn’t have her bow with her, it was still in her room; she dove for the safety of the companionway that led up to the upper deck. Her last view of the Prince was Tomi dragging him down the stairs.

Time passed slowly; she waited behind the stairs for the Captain to get the ship into the middle of the river, far out of range of even the best bow. No other arrows were sent towards the ship.

Stepping out, she scanned the riverbank for movement. They’re just inside the tree line; she could see two men trailing the boat as it sailed down the river. By the speed of their gait and how they flowed over the land to keep up with the ship, they must be elves, and for them to be attacking the Princes’ party, they had to be Dark elves.

Since they hadn’t shot at Mal, she thought they didn’t know she was with the Prince. She headed below to check on the Prince. When she entered the cabin, the window was secured, and a blanket covered it with two daggers holding it up to block any sight of what went on inside.

Seeing Mal enter, the Prince stepped over to her, throwing his arms around Mal, he hugged her.

“I thought you were dead, and your friends wouldn’t let me go and see if you were ok.” Suddenly realising he was hugging Mal, he let her go and stepped back, a light blush on his cheeks.

“I don’t think that they know I’m with you; the only attacks were directed at yourself. Two dark elves are trailing the ship along the river bank, your highness.

“We can’t assume that, and that’s the second time you’ve saved my life in as many days. You’re starting to make quite a habit of it.” Laughed the Prince.

Turning back towards his seat, he could see slight smiles on the faces of them all as they watched him.

“Tomi half lifted me half threw me down the stairs, and Dareon nailed that sheet across the window so that they can’t see in. Seems that you outrank me now.”

“It’s not that your highness they understand that we must get you to your father,” replied Mal, slightly blushing after Prince Salistar’s hug. She could still feel the impression of his strong arms holding her.

Turning, she opened the door just as Captain Gantis was about to knock.

“My lord,” he said, dropping his hand that was now sitting in midair.

“We have left the river behind and are now on the sea proper. We will soon be far out to sea, and you will be safe. Is everyone ok?”

“Yes, everyone is ok; thank you for your consideration, Captain.”

Nodding, the Captain left and headed back to the deck of the ship.

Mal and the others started to notice that the ship was rolling a lot more. Heading to the deck, the mountain folk were amazed by the rolling sea, and the ship started to run up one swell and race down the other. Once it got to the bottom of one wave, the air would be filled with the sea crashing over the ship’s bow. The air tasted of salt, and the smell was the most fantastic thing that Mal had ever smelt.

Walking to the rail of the ship, they stood watching the hypnotic swell of the sea. Suddenly a splash below and a sea creature jumped out of the sea and dived back in then two more of the animals appeared jumping and diving beside the ship.

At Mal’s gasp of surprise and delight, the Prince who stood beside her said,” They are called sea mermaids, though not the mermaids of the tales that drag sailors to their deaths. These are simple creatures that love to race through waves.”

They stood in silence together, not quite touching as the sun rose over the horizon. The sight reminded Mal of the view of the sun cresting the mountains, and while this was completely different from the mountains, it was no less beautiful.

The noise of the deckhands broke the silence. Mal looked over her shoulder to see the crew preparing the body off Finn for burial at sea.

Mal walked over to the stairway and called Tomi and the others to come up on deck.

When they had all arrived, the Captain appeared and walked over to the body off Finn. The canvas sail they had wrapped him in was now sewn into a bag, covering him securely.

Two trestles held the gangplank, with Finn’s body on top. Standing at the rail Captain Gantis looked at the canvas bag that contained the body.

“Finn,” he started, “was an exceptional friend to all who sailed on this ship; he has been a part of the crew off this ship for ten years and friend to all. For him to be cut down in this manner is deplorable and unfair. Finn, you were a friend to all.”

Bowing his head, he continued, “We now give your body to the sea may you rest in her loving arms”. Master Jameson and another sailor lifted one end of the plank, and Finn slipped into the ocean as he finished.

Another sailor brought a tray of small silver cups and an expensive bottle of rum. The Captain opened the rum and personally handed each sailor a tote of rum when everyone on deck had a small cup. The Captain raised his cup and simply said, “Finn,” as a chorus of “Finn” came to the lips of everyone, and they all drank the tote of rum.

For the rest of the trip, the sailors were sombre. As they approached the city of Caplo, there were two harbours, one for merchants and the royal harbour. Captain Gantis started steering the ship towards the Merchant harbour. Tomi came on deck and made his way to the Captain; he had a parcel in his hands. His lordship would like you to fly this and to make for the Royal Harbour.

As Captain Gantis reached for the parcel, the wrapping came loose, and the bright blue banner with a silver songbird could be seen clearly. His eyes widened, turning to face Tomi directly. “Tell his highness it will be done.”

Tomi headed below as the Captain turned the ship towards the Royal Harbour. “Master Jameson. Get this on the mast now.”

The royal docks were much cleaner docks than those of the merchants. Two large galleys were harboured to the left, and squads of soldiers patrolled the docks.

As the Oceans Embrace pulled into the harbour, a squad of soldiers could be seen forming up and escorting an official-looking gentleman towards the end of the docks where the ship was heading for.

Seeing Prince Salistar on the rail, the man shouted: “Your Highness, it gladdens my heart to see you,” turning to one of the soldiers. “Head straight up to the palace and inform the queen that her son is safe.”

“Good to see you, Lord Matrick. How fares my father and the rest of the hunting party?”

“Your father has been badly injured, my Prince but is expected to make a full recovery. News of your safety will boost his and everyone’s spirits.”

Disembarking the ship, Prince Salistar spoke with Lord Matrick, “Please make sure the Captain is reimbursed for getting us here safely. Also, find out details about his man Finn, did he have any family that he supported and make sure they are looked after.”

“Yes, my Prince,” said Lord Matrick bowing to the Prince and turning to board the ship and talk with the Captain.

Two carriages pulled up at the end of the docks, and the party headed towards it. As they passed soldiers and sailors, they were met with cheers and smiles.

Once everybody was in the carriage, the Prince ordered it to take them to the palace.

Arriving at the Palace proper, the Kings Chamberlain Master Harold was just arriving deep in conversation with a lady.

“Salistar! Thank the gods you are alive. Your father waits at the high table.” said the Lady when she saw him exiting the first carriage. Rushing forward, she threw her arms around him and gave him a big hug and kissed him on the forehead.

“Mother, I’m fine, honest. You can thank Jasper, he found Master Johana, and he and the ranger recruits saved my life. The Lady Malderia here saved it twice, actually.” He said, bowing extremely courtly and smiling in her direction.

Seeing the Prince’s look towards the group and Mal, in particular, the Queen turned to the group so that she could have a look at this girl that had caught the princes’ eye. “My thanks to you all come in and have food. I will personally pour your mead,” and saying that she headed into the main dining hall, not waiting for them to follow.

Entering the Dining Hall, they could hear the Queen issuing orders to the Chamberlain, pages, scullery maids and cooks. The King was sitting on an ornate chair, his bandaged foot on a small stool, another bandage on his arm spoke of the attack. As the page that had been standing beside him ran off on some errand or other, another page stepped forward in case the King needed anything.

“Excuse me, my friends, I must speak with my father,” said Prince Salistar.

As Mal and the others took a bench, she watched him as he headed to the top table, where he embraced his father. Before sitting at his right hand and starting chatting. A page brought the Prince a silver goblet while another arrived with a plate of food. Shortly after, food began to arrive at the table. Mal didn’t notice that the Queen watched her, watching her son talking to her husband.

True to her word, the Queen served them all goblets of mead from her own hands before heading over to her husband and son.

Mal picked at her food while listening to the others; every once in a while, she would notice that she was again staring at the Prince and would quickly look away, and she would force herself to focus on the group. Once or twice she caught the Prince staring at her.

On those occasions, she would look away and could feel her face starting to burn. Worst still sometimes, she saw the Queen watching her, watching the Prince. She cursed herself for her feelings; after all, why would a prince be interested in her, a simple mountain girl? She had made a mistake and read his actions wrong. It was as simple as that.

When everyone had eaten, The Queen tapped a silver knife against her goblet. The sound quietened the room, and all heads turned to face the Queen who rose to her feet.

“My son is home safe. Tonight, we will feast and rejoice that he has been returned to us safely.”

The Chamberlain arrived at the table. “I hope you enjoyed your food if you could follow me, please.”

When they all stood up, he led them to the first floor of the palace. Stopping outside an ornate door, the Chamberlain turned to the group.

“Lady Malderia, This will be your room while you are here at the palace,” and saying, so he opened the gilded door. Inside was a large gilded bed and furniture; a maid bobbed a curtsy to her and mumbled, “My Lady.”

“You’re friends,” he said, indicated the rest of the mountain folk,” will have rooms on this corridor as well. I will show them their rooms and get them settled. Cari here will be your personal maid.”

Bowing to Malderia, he led the others to equally fancy rooms. As the Chamberlain left them, he said, “Gentlemen, there will be a feast tonight. New clothing will be supplied; you have a free run of the palace until then welcome to Caplo”. As Tomi, Darr and Dareon entered their rooms and started having a look around. A knock at each door alerted each of them to a visitor.

Opening the door, Tomi noticed a page who bowed to Tomi before walking into the room. “My Lord, I am Grille. I am one of the pages assigned to help you all settle. I will unpack your belongings for you while you have a bath and relax. The royal tailor will be here shortly to fit you for new clothes.” Saying all that, the page walked over to the fireplace and pulled a rope before lighting the fire.

As he closed the door, he could see other pages knocking on his friends’ rooms.

“New clothes?”

“Yes, there is to be a feast for the safe return of the prince, and you and your friends will be the guests of honour.”

At a knock at the door, Grille headed over to open it. “This will be the water for your bath, my Lord”. When he opened the door, six pages brought three large buckets of water in and headed into a side room that Tomi hadn’t had time to investigate. The sound of water being poured into something significant could be heard. Followed shortly by the pages leaving.

“This way, my Lord,” said Grille leading Tomi to the room the pages had just left.

As Tomi entered the room, which was as decorative as the previous room. There, in the middle, was a large porcelain bath full of hot water. Tomi watched as Grille stuck his hand in to check the temperature before heading over to a table, taking a crystal bottle, and pouring most into the bath. As the Crystals hit the water, they reacted with the warm water and gave off a sweet smell that was pleasant to the nose.

“My lord, if you wouldn’t mind stripping off your travel clothes, I’ll have them washed and mended while you have your bath.”

Tentatively Tomi stripped off his clothes and got into the bath. The warm water and the salt crystals soothed his muscles, and he started to relax. He didn’t notice Grille leaving the room. It seemed that no time had passed before; Grille was back to get him out of the bath. Seeing the shadows cast by the sun had moved quite a distance across the room, the water had lost most of its heat.

“How long was I in the bath?”

“About an hour, my Lord, the tailor will be here soon. Once I get you into your new undergarments, my Lord, I will have the bath emptied.”

Holding a sizeable soft towel up for Tomi to wrap around himself, Grille led Tomi back to the other room, where he rang the bell again before handing a now semi-dry Tomi some new undergarments. They were of a different style than Tomi was used to but were comfortable.

At a knock at the door, Grille opened the door to let in the same pages that had brought up the water along with an older gentleman that must be, judging, by his clothes the tailor.

“Ah, Master Naille, please come in,” said Grille. “My Lord, this is Master Naille the King’s personal Tailor.”

Tomi stood and bowed to the man more because he didn’t know what protocols were involved than any other reason.

Master Naille was dressed in brown leather boots, cream leggings and wore a long tailcoat with silver buttons over a green waistcoat and white shirt. He had a length of string strung around his neck that had tiny knots tied at regular intervals.

“Ok young master, let us be having you please so that I can take some measurements,”

When Tomi stood up, Master Naille started counting off measurements to his assistant in quick-fire succession. Before Tomi knew what was happening, it was over and with a bow to the young man, Master Naille and his assistant left. As they left, Griyle rang the bell again and turned back to Tomi.

“Since tonight will be a feast and the Queen ‘God bless her soul’ understands that you will never have been to one of our feasts. She has instructed me to educate you in some of the finer points of etiquette for during the feast. After all, we want you to feel comfortable during the feast tonight.”

A knock at the door alerted Griyle to yet another visitor, and as he opened the door, a page brought in a tray cover with a cloth walked over to a table and set the tray down and left quickly and efficiently.

Tomi noticed that the tray had numerous knives and forks, and spoons on either side of the tray. Tomi had never seen so many different implements for eating with. Chuckling to himself, he thought about the spoon in his saddlebag for eating stew and the dagger on his belt for everything else.

Grille started discussing how each item was used and the order in which they were to be used. He also explained that people should not wipe greasy fingers or mouths off with their arms but instead use the table cloth as that is what it is for.

Mal stepped into the room as the Chamberlain led the others off to their rooms. A soft cough from the maid returned Mal’s attention to her; suddenly, she remembered that the maid had said something to her. Panicking, she searched her memory for what the maid had said.

“Cari, please call me Mal. I’m not a lady, just a commoner from the mountains.”

“But you saved his highness twice, and you are the Ogre Slayer who single handily slew an Ogre and saved the village; you shouldn’t say that you’re a commoner, my Lady, you are a hero. Why the King’s Bard sings the tale most nights, it is the most popular song in the kingdom.”

Mal was stunned; she hadn’t really thought of everything she had been through in the last few weeks. While she knew that she hadn’t done it alone, she understood that bards and poets often worked a story to be more dynamic.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if the Bard doesn’t add more verses to your story, My Lady.” she continued with a curtsy.

“Listen to me prattling on; you mustn’t let me babble on like that miss, Let me get your bath ready for you.” She said as she pulled the cord at the side of the fireplace.

Minutes later, Mal’s room was full of maids and a seamstress, a jolly woman in her forties called Mistress Tang; she had a maid with her that held strips of material over her arms.

“My lady, I have been asked by the queen to make you up a few outfits for your stay here.” Waving her maid away, she continued, “I brought some material samples to look over, but seeing your complexion and beauty. I now know exactly what I will make for you. I have the most splendid blue material that will make the most fabulous dress, and it will suit your complexion and your eyes and another of green. Those will do for a starter, Don’t worry, I’ll soon have a whole wardrobe of dresses for you.”

“Oh, you don’t need to go to all that trouble for me,” said Mal dreading the thought of a single dress, let alone multiple ones.

“Nonsense, the Saviour of the Prince will have my best work as well as my thanks. The Prince is well-loved by the people here, and you will find many who will want to thank you in some small way,” She said, “My advice is to just accept their tokens and say thank you.”

“Cari, the Lady’s bath is getting cold. I’ll be back in an hour with a new dress. Malinda here will take her clothes to be cleaned and repaired if necessary,” she continued with a slight scold that had Cari jump to and almost drag Mal into the bathroom.

Now that Mal was alone in the bathroom with Cari, who was picking up crystal decanters and pouring different quantities of each into the bath. She looked up at Mal, who was still dressed. “Please, my Lady, you need to get in; we have lots to do.”

Mal realised that she had just been standing there looking around in wonder at the expensive room and everything in it. Slowly she stripped off the clothes she had been wearing for the last couple of days and stepped into the hot bath. The scent of the bath relaxed her as she soaked in the water. Cari ran around the room, gathering up her clothes and left to hand them over to Malinda.

When Cari came back into the room, Mal was almost asleep from the heat of the bath.

“Rumour has it, my Lady, that you saved the Prince from a band of Elves that were trying to kill him.” Said Cari in a low voice.

“Mmm, sort of; they were Dark Elves, and it was actually his page Jasper that found us and led us to him. He then led us to where he had lost track of the Prince, and we tracked the Dark elves and found them surrounding the Prince. Once we freed the Prince, we ran for the protection of the Elves and Made our way here.” she replied drowsily.

“I’m sure there is more to it than that, my Lady,” replied Cari.

“Not really, without Jasper, the Prine would probably not have survived.” murmured a drowsy Mal,

A gentle shake of Mal’a shoulder made her open her eyes. Cari stood in front of her I need to wash your hair, my Lady. Sitting up, Cari poured some warm water over her head and started to rub more crystals into a lather before rinsing it out with more water.

Holding a large towel up for Mal to get out of the bath, Cari led her over to a table with a soft seat and a large mirror; the table was covered in combs and brushes. Mal hadn’t seen her reflection often other than in a still pond, as mirrors were expensive and good ones were scarce.

Cari started to brush Mal’s hair while it was still wet after nearly an hour, she had most of the tats out of the hair, and it sat smoothly over her shoulders.

As Cari finished, a knock at the door announced that mistress Tang had arrived with her six assistants.

“A good, let’s have a look at you now, my Lady. Over here if you please,” she said as she set a box on the side of the bed and removed the lid.

Inside was two new sets of undergarments made of the softest material that Mal had ever touched.

“Silk, my lady from a faraway land of desert people across the sea, it is very expensive the queen is honouring you highly,” whispered Cari.

Mistress Tang brought over a silken blue dress and helped Mal into it when Mal had it on. While the material was the softest clothing she had ever felt, for some reason, the dress was making her feel uncomfortable. She wasn’t used to the restrictions on her legs.

As Mal was standing in front of the mirror, she wondered why she was putting up with this fuss. After all, they would be sitting at the back of the hall during the feast, and no one would be looking at her.

Realising that the room had gone quiet, she turned to see the Queen standing in the middle of the room looking at her.

Suddenly she realised that everyone else was curtsying. Mal tried to curtsy and nearly fell off the little stool that Mistress Tang had her standing on. She was saved by the Queen, who stepped forward to grab her arm and steady her.

“You are a true beauty Lady Malderia,” said the Queen.

“Thank you, your majesty,” replied Mal, not quite able to look directly at the Queen.

Laughing, the Queen said, “You are a true treasure, my dear. If a man had done what you had, he would be full of it, mark my words and strutting like a peacock in season.”

Turning to Mistress Tang, “Mistress Tang, your work is as always perfect. What slippers have you for the Lady Malderia?”

Clicking her fingers at one of her assistants who was carrying a small parcel. “These, your highness”. She said, presenting the package to the Queen.

Opening the parcel, the Queen let out a small gasp. “These are beautiful Mistress Tang. Who made them?”

“Claudia here made them, your highness,” said Mistress Tang gesturing to a blushing assistant, a young girl no older than Mal.

“You have a great talent, Claudia. You will have to make me some of the same,”

“Thank you, your highness; I would be most honoured to make you some. It was the Lady’s Elven boots that inspired me.”

“I think you will have started a new fashion, my dear,” responded the Queen.

Turning to Mal, she handed over the parcel, and Mal could see what the Queen meant; these were the most beautiful slippers Mal had ever seen.

Taking the slippers from the parcel, Mistress Tang bent and put them onto Mal’s feet. The soft interior of the slippers was something that Mal had never felt before, as the mountain folks shoes typically had stiff wooden soles to allow grip on the mountain terrain.

“Silvia, go to my room and bring me the sapphire pendant from my drawer. It will go perfectly with this outfit, and grab some silver chains; we will weave them into her hair for contrast.”

Moments later, the Queens’ maid Silvia had returned with the requested items. Taking the Sapphire pendant, she held it up in front of Malderia.

“This was my mothers and her mothers before her, and you may borrow it this evening. Cari will return it to Silvia when you are finished with it.”

When the ladies had finished with Mal’s hair. The Queen announced that she must be getting ready for the feast as it was getting late. It was only then that Mal noticed that it was getting dark outside; one of the maids had lit lamps around the room.

Tomi, Darr and Dareon met outside their rooms; each was glad to see that the others were dressed as finely as well. Grille led them back down to the feasting room and served them a goblet of mead each.

“The feast will start in about half an hour. I’ll be back as soon as possible.”

They sat and laughed with each other about the fancy clothes they were wearing while wondering where Mal was. They relaxed in each others company until servants arrived and shooed them out of the room while they set up for the feast.

Taking a walk in the gardens, they saw an archery range with some people practising. Walking over, they stood and watched as some boys around twelve summers old were being given a class on using the bow. Tomi, Darr and Dareon started to lay wagers on how well each boy would do. Soon coppers began to be passed back and forth. Calling out praise and commiserations and encouragement to the young boys, the three friends laughed and enjoyed the first time that it felt no one was trying to kill them. They stayed at the fence long after the boys had finished their practice and the sun had started to set.

A cough at Darr’s arm made them turn to see Grille standing patiently. “Sir’s, The feast is ready. I am to take you through now. If you will follow me, please.”

Grille led them back towards the dining room and to a side room with some cushioned seats where they were asked to wait. A small table held a decanter of wine and six silver goblets. Pouring himself a glass, Darr offered his friends a drink while they waited.

Trumpets blared from the other room, and an enormous roar accompanied something that they could only imagine.

Grille arrived shortly after the roaring had died down.

“This way, gentlemen let us not keep the King and Queen waiting,” he said, leading them out to the door.

The door to the dining hall was closed, and the Chamberlain stood outside dressed in his finest clothes.

“A thank you, master Grille; please go to your allotted place,” he said.

“Gentlemen, you are about to be presented formally to the King and Queen. If I can have Darr first, then Dareon and then Tomi. Shortly I will open the door and step through there is a little bit of a ceremony. When I step to the side, please step forward one at a time to stand in front of me where I will announce you to the hall and the King and Queen.”

Stepping forward, the Chamberlain swung a metal staff he had in his hand three times on the door. The noise inside the room quietened, and all heads turned to watch the two doors of the dining hall open.

The Chamberlain stepped into the middle of the door.

“My Lords and Ladies, recently our kingdom was attacked not once but twice. On both occasions, our friends in the mountains came to our aid freely. They left their homes freely to make sure that Lord Turok got home safely with the message of the attack on their villages. The first time they helped save a whole village of our brethren, The second time, they raced through the Aslarmore forest and saved our beloved Prince Salistar from a band of Dark Elves.”

To this, the room exploded in noise as everyone banged goblets and knives on tabletops to show their appreciation.

Stepping back to the side, the Chamberlain beckoned Darr forward and, when, silence eventually returned to the room.

“My Lords, Lady’s and citizens I present Darr Narwind, Son of Fletch Narwind, Elder of the stone hill tribe, Saviour of the village Targon and Defender of Prince Salistar.”

A page stepped out from the side and walked Darr to a spot in front of the throne.

As he reached the spot indicated by the page, he heard the Chamberlain introduce Dareon.

“My Lords, Lady’s and citizens I present Dareon Hawkwing Son of Justin Hawkwing, Elder of the Stone Hill tribe. Saviour of the village Targon and Defender of Prince Salistar.”

Again a page stepped out and led Dareon to stand beside Darr.

Again the Chamberlain called out.

“My Lords, Lady’s and citizens I present Tomi Fleetfoot Son of Maliki Fleetfoot, Elder of the stone hill tribe, Saviour of the village Targon and Defender of Prince Salistar.”

Again the Chamberlain called out.

“My Lords, Lady’s and citizens I present Malderia Talon, Orge Slayer, Daughter to Tul Talon Leader of the stone hill tribe, Saviour of the village Targon and Defender of Prince Salistar.”

Tomi, Dar and Dareon turned to look at Mal; they hadn’t seen her arrive. They had to look twice as the Lady escorted by the Chamberlain couldn’t have been Mal, but it was; here was Mal definitely looking like a young woman. The blue dress and jewellery made her look as much like a queen to her friends.

When the Chamberlain arrived at the front of the throne with Mal, he bowed to the King and Queen. Mal curtsied while Tomi, Darr and Dareon bowed awkwardly as well.

“Welcome and our thanks for everything that you have done for my people and my family,” said the King. “Your heroic deeds have graced our hall here many nights,” He continued warmly, “As King, I have the right and the honour to be able to judge people. That allows me to punish and reward people when necessary. You travelled with Lord Turok to bring us news of the Goblin attack and take service with us. I know that two of your friends have not made it this far and are safely recovering from wounds sustained from defending my people. Fear not, I will reward them in person at a suitable time.”

Standing up, the King stepped forward towards the group. “Will you, Malderia Talon, take service with me as your King to protect and serve me in all things to hold my honour precious and protect the citizens of my kingdom, high born and low born alike?”

“Yes, my King,” Mal responded, as her maid had told her.

Nodding solemnly, the King turned to Tomi. “Will you, Tomi Fleetfoot, take service with me as your King to protect and serve me in all things to hold my honour precious and protect the citizens of my kingdom high born and low born alike?”

“Yes, my Liege,” he replied.

Again the King nodded and turned to Dareon. “Will you, Dareon Hawkwing, take service with me as your King to protect and serve me in all things to hold my honour precious and protect the citizens of my kingdom high born and low born alike?”

“Yes, my Liege,” he replied.

Again the King nodded and turned to Dareon. “Will you, Darr Narwind, take service with me as your King to protect and serve me in all things to hold my honour precious and protect the citizens of my kingdom, high born and low born alike?”

“Yes, my Liege,” he replied.

“This is a sacred oath before the gods and my people; I welcome you into the ranks of my rangers and offer my protection to you for as long as you remain loyal to your oaths.”

Turning to a page that stood at the side of the room, he nodded.

“Your first command from your king is to kneel,” said the King.

As Mal, Tomi, Dareon and Darr knelt before the man they had sworn to protect and obey. The page stepped forward and handed the King an ornate sword.

Stepping in front of Mal, he lightly touched the sword to each shoulder and then the top of her head while saying, “Malderia Talon, for your actions in saving the villagers and my son, I as a result of this dub you Lady Malderia Talon of Grey Stones, I grant you lands and title for you and the eldest of your lineage to bear.”

A cheer went up from the tables at the kings’ pronouncement.

Stepping over to Tomi again, he lightly touched the sword to each shoulder and then the top of his head while saying, “Tomi Fleetfoot, for your actions in saving the villagers and my son I as a result of this dub you Lord Tomi Fleetfoot of Grey Wood, I grant you lands and title for you and your eldest lineage to bear.”

Dareon became the Lord of Eagle Rock and Darr the Lord of Kempford Rock.

“Let it be so known throughout the lands that these are Loyal subjects and have rank and privilege accordingly. As you are all under the ascension age, your lands and titles will be held by the Lord of the Duchy. Whom I believe you already know.”

Lord Turok stepped forward, bringing smiles from the four newly appointed Lords and Ladies.

Bowing to the King, he said, “Your Highness if I may.”

Stepping back to his throne, the King waved the Duke to the spot he had just vacated before handing the sword back to the waiting page.

“As Duke and High Commander of the Northern Duchy, will you swear to obey my orders above all others except for the King. To protect and defend the peoples of the kingdom?”

In unison, the four friends said, “We do,”

Smiling, the Duke stepped forward and helped each of them up.

“I officially accept your oath of fealty and welcome you into my house.”

The crowd erupted into cheers and applause as the Duke and other nobles converged on the four friends. Slaps on the back and praise were heaped on the four in equal measures by the Lords and Ladies.

Mal was whisked off by some of the ladies to join them at their table while Tomi, Dareon and Darr were seated at different tables.

When the room had quietened to an acceptable level, the Chamberlain banged his staff on the floor three times, bringing the room to silence. All faces turned towards him. “Squire Jasper DeQuillan step forth.” announced the Chamberlain.

Jasper stood up from one of the benches to the side; looking a little confused, he walked forward towards the Chamberlain.

Standing up, the Prince stepped forward to stand beside the Chamberlain.

“Jasper DeQuillan, After speaking with Master Johana, the Kings High Ranger who has told us of your bravery and insight to head towards the ranger campgrounds, you raised help and led those rescuers back into the forest to search for me. That action led to my rescue in my hour of need. It is my pleasure to award you the order of Merlon and my personal thanks.”

Prince Salistar pinned a golden pin to Squire Jaspers collar. The roar that erupted was full of joy for the squire.

After the feasting had commenced, the ladies of the Queen’s court kept Mal company.

Most of the tables were cleared or moved out of the way. A group of six Bards took up position on the tops of two tables made into a stage so that everyone could see.

The group started playing a fast-paced song. That must have been a favourite as the floor was soon full of people dancing, and the next hour flew past with most of the songs being fast-paced.

Her favourite was a fast-paced song that saw the partners swinging each other around as fast as possible before moving on to the next partner. At one point, she was being swung by Lord Turok, who turned out to be very nimble on his feet.

After a while, an elderly lady called Sarah sitting with Mal came over and said that they were heading to the Queen’s apartment and her ladyship should come. While Mal wanted to stay and dance the night away, she let the Lady lead her away.

Chuckling lightly, the Lady patted Mal’s hand, “Don’t worry, child, there will be more dances for you to enjoy. “

Leading Mal away from the room, she spied Darr and Tomi drinking heavily with some men at a table.

The Queen’s apartment was on the second floor. When Mal was led into the queens living room. Sarah curtsied to the Queen, and Mal followed her lead.

“Welcome, Lady Malderia. Did you enjoy your first feast?”

“Yes, my queen,” replied Mal with a slight giggle.

“Oh dear,” said the Queen looking at Mal, “Let us get some Kuffa into you, my dear.”

Sitting down a bit firmer than she meant to, Mal realised that she was a bit tipsy. The wine must have been stronger than she thought. When one of the maids handed Mal a porcelain cup of kuffa. She sipped the hot liquid and listened to the conversation going on with the ladies.

“My daughter is eighteen this year; your highness, Lord Maliki the Falcon, has approached my husband to inquire if she has a suitor, His son is of a similar age, and we met him two years ago; he seemed like a nice lad. Would your highness approve of the match?”

Mal was shocked; here was a grown woman asking permission for her daughter to marry someone else. Back home, if a boy and girl started to show interest in each other, they were married quicker than you could blink.

“I will speak with the King in the morning when I get a chance, but I see no issue with the match,” replied the Queen.

Seeing the look on Mal’s face, the Queen said: “Don’t your elders agree to the matches in your village?”

“No, your highness, if a boy likes a girl and she likes him, they are normally married quickly.”

“Ah, I see, here the children of our Lords and Ladies are matched for political gain; I was matched to the then Crown Prince and only met him on my wedding day.”

Shocked, Mal replied, “How could you marry a man you didn’t love?”

“Oh, love came later, the Crown Prince was brought up to treat women with respect, and he charmed me. I was a princess from another land shipped off to create a union between two countries. We of nobility sacrifice more for the kingdom than the citizenry know. I’m not saying that all noble marriages are for political reasons, but ones like the royal family are. Take my son, for example; he will be the next ruler of this country, and his marriage will be to a princess of another country designed to bring that country and ours closer together.”

Mal sat quietly, taking in what the Queen had just said while the Queen spoke to one of her maids. There would be no future between Salistar and herself other than ruler and subject. Deciding now that it would be easier to push those feeling for Salistar away now rather than later, she took a deep breath and nodded to herself.

The Queen, who had been watching Mal closely, sighed a sigh of relief when she saw the truth in Mal’s eyes. It was a hard lesson that averted now would make life so much easier in the future. She hated doing it to the child. She knew that Mal was in love with her son worst, yet she thought the Prince felt the same.

Turning away from the maid she had been speaking with, she saw Lady Sarah Swan looking at her over the tip of her cup as she sipped the Kuffa. A slight nod was all the indication that Lady Sarah gave the Queen that she had seen what was happening and agreed with the Queen that she had been right to steer the conversation around to the topic of betrothals.

Now that the Queen thought of it, Lady Sarah had a son about Mal’s age and handsome to boot. She would have to make sure that they met frequently. She would encourage Lady Sarah to take up the tuition of Mal in the rank she had been given and the duties that involved. Lady Sarah and her husband lived close to the city. So there would be plenty of opportunities to visit and keep an eye on her. Yes, Mal’s days here would be busy and well away from the Prince. It would be easier for Mal after some time apart.

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