
Created 19 Jun 2023, Published 19 Jun 2023, Last modified 10 May 2024 23:48


Pixies are tiny little humanoids sometimes know as fey folk. They grow anything between 15 and 20 Cms in height. They are very timid creatures and prefer the cover of forest to open places. In the open they are very vulnerable. Pixies are highly magical and as such they receive +10 to their magical casting ability. Luckily Pixies are difficult to hit. An attacker has a -40 penalty to hit a pixie due to their small size. To spot a pixie requires the spotter’s observation skill to be rolled with a -30 penalty. To spot a hidden pixie requires an observation roll at -50. Pixies gain only 2 hit-points each time they level irrespective of class. Since Pixies are extremely magical every Pixie requires a minimum of 90 in Magic resistance.


Statistic Value
MR Min 90
STR Max 20

Natural Abilities

  • Forest Shroud 5% (+5% Each Level) (Passive Skill)
  • Quiet Traveller 10% (+5% Each Level) (Passive Skill)
  • Sense Direction 5% (+5% Each Level) (Passive Ability)
  • Good Magi (+10 casting ability)
  • Languages: Common, Pixie (At Wisdom Level)
  • Race Size: Very Small (VS) Movement Rate 4

Natural Abilities and Skills

Skill Base
Identify Traps 10%
Hide 10%
Lore Plant 10%
Observation 10%
Listening 10%
  • Forest Shroud: This is the Pixies skill in being able to fade away into their forest home.
  • Quiet Traveller: This is the Pixies ability to travel overland stealthily at normal speed rather than moving at half speed.
  • Sense Direction: This is the Pixies natural sense of direction while in their forest home. The pixie must be familiar with the location however.

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