Raise Deceased

Created 21 Dec 2023, Published 21 Dec 2023, Last modified 28 Dec 2023 23:22


The caster brings the dead back to life for only a few minutes, the caster wrestles with the deceased and must roll Stamina minus the deceased power score generated from the following table each minute. During this minute the deceased will be forced to answer your questions.

Be wary if you critically fail a roll the dead might attack.

This is why this spell is one of the hardest spells to master.

Time Deceased Difficulty
Less than a month 20
Less than a year 25
Less than a decade 30
Less than a century 35
Greater than a century 40

Area of Effect

One deceased corpse


Air 90
Earth 90
Fire 90
Spirit 90
Water 90


Cost 112 fp
Difficulty -40
Duration 1 minute per level of the caster

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