Created 19 Jun 2023, Published 19 Jun 2023, Last modified 10 May 2024 23:48
Rangers are the scouts of the game world. They specialise in tracking, hit-and-run and guerrilla tactics. Rangers start with 4 Training points and gain a new point every 3 levels. Rangers are normally exceptional archers, and adept at surviving of the land.
This ability allows a Ranger to advance quietly at normal walking speed. This ability also allows a Ranger to re-roll a failed stealth roll. They cannot, however re-roll a critically failed stealth roll. At level 1 the Ranger has 5% in this ability and gains 3% each time they level. To determine if they receive a re-roll the player must roll less than or equal to the skill. If they succeed they may re-roll their stealth once for the failed roll.
This ability allows a Ranger to find a source of food or water in any climatic region, even if they aren’t a resident. This does not mean the source may be close by, it just means they know where it is. Rangers start of at 10% in this skill at level 1 and gain 2% each time they level.
Skill | Base |
Appraising Opponent | 5 |
Brawling | 5 |
Dodge | 5 |
Identify Traps | 5 |
Lore Plant | 5 |
Lore Races | 5 |
Tracking | 5 |
Trapping | 5 |
Stealth | 10 |
Survival (Choose Type) | 5 |
Survival (Choose Type) | 5 |
Weapon Missile | 10 |