
Created 07 Jul 2023, Published 07 Jul 2023, Last modified 10 May 2024 23:48


Acute Eyesight: (50 points)

The player will receive a +10 modifier to Observation skill rolls. This bonus is not used when the player is rolling to advance his skill.

Acute Hearing: (50 points)

The character with this Talent will receive a +10 when making any Listening Roll. The bonus is not used when the player is rolling to advance his skill.

Ambidextrous: (50 points)

The Character receives no modifiers when using either their left or right hand for any task.

Immunity to Poison: (200 points)

With immunity to poison the player will only be affected by a critical failure against any poison roll.

Resistant to Cold: (80 points)

The player receives half damage from cold-based attacks.

Resistant to Heat: (80 points)

The player receives half damage from heat based attacks.

Light Sleeper: (60 points)

The Player is an extremely light sleeper and is easily awoken by noise. The character has a +10 to the Listening skill when asleep (Accumulated with the Acute Hearing talent when asleep only).

Resistance to Alcohol: (30 points)

The player has the ability to drink large quantities of alcohol. The player receives half the modifiers, which would be taken by others.

Naturally Lucky: (90 points)

The player is naturally lucky and has one more luck point at character generation. The cost of this talent is 70 points.

Small Estate: (70 points)

The player has a small estate, which will bring the player an income of 40 gold per month. If the estate is sold the player will receive up to 500 gold (As determined by the Guide). Large Estate: (150 points) The Player has a Large Estate, which will bring the player 80 gold per month. If the Estate is sold the player will receive up to 1500 gold (As determined by the Guide).

Lightening Reflexes: (100 points)

The player receives a +4 to their initiative.

Resistant to Fatigue: (200 points)

The player pays half the normal fatigue costs for anything they are doing. The cost is 150 points.

Resistant to Magic: (200 points)

The player is resistant to Magic and receives a +20 bonus to their Magic Resistance saving rolls. The cost is 100 points.

Contact: (1-100 points)

The player can choose a contact. The contact can be of any class, race or organization. The contact must be chosen before the game commences. The cost is 5 points per status level of the contact. E.g. To choose a person with the influence of a serf as your contact it will cost 5 points. To choose a person with the influence of a High Lord it will cost 100 points. (See Status table).

Natural Magic User: (250 points)

The player has a natural magical ability to cast magic. The player receives a +10 bonus to the casting of any spells.

Increased Healing: (150 points)

The player is able heal Life Force at double their natural. Additionally the healing effects of prayers or magical healing cast upon them is doubled also.

Telepathic: (50 points)

The player is naturally telepathic. The player must choose to be telepathic with either animals or humanoids. The character can take this ability twice

Naturally Agile: (70 points)

The player has a naturally high Agility and receives a +10 bonus to any dodge rolls.

Naturally Strong: (70 points)

The player is naturally strong. The player receives a +10 bonus to any strength rolls.

Excellent Learner: (80 points)

The player learns skills easily. The player receives a +10 learn bonus when trying to learn or improve any skills.

Berserker: (100 points)

The player is able to channel and use their natural aggression. The player receives a +10 to hit in hand-to-hand combat, +5 to their initiative, and +5 to damage. While in this state perception based skills, i.e. Listening and Observation are reduced by half. The cost is 40 points.

Double Fatigue Regeneration: (100 points)

The player recovers fatigue at twice their normal rate.

Triple Fatigue Regeneration: (150 points)

The player recovers fatigue at treble their normal rate requires purchase of double regeneration.

Natural Leader: (30 points)

The player is a natural leader of others. The player receives a +10 bonus to their leadership skill roll or to their appeal statistic roll if they are trying to lead others.

Sense of Direction: (30 points)

The player has a gut feeling that they are going the right direction. The player receives a +10 bonus to their navigation skill.

Fast Reflexes: (70 points)

The player has naturally fast reflexes. The player receives a +2 to their initiative.

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