
Created 07 Jul 2023, Published 07 Jul 2023, Last modified 10 May 2024 23:48



This is the ability to carry out gymnastic feats, and to take falls properly.


This is the ability to impersonate others or play a role. This does not mean you will look the part.


This is the ability to farm correctly. This includes domestic animal rearing and crop growing.

Animal Husbandry

This is the skill for looking after the health of animals in the party.

Animal Training

This is the ability to train or domesticate a non-domestic animal, e.g. lions.

Appraise object

This is the ability to value an object correctly, (usually in gold pieces).

Appraise Opponent

This is the ability to judge how skilled or unskilled a foe is in combat related skills.

Armour Repair

This is the ability to carry out simple repairs to armour.


This is the ability to haggle and trade for items, services etc.


This is the ability to use a forge, make weapons, make armour and produce other smith related items, e.g. horseshoes.

Blind Fighting

This is the ability to combat opponents in darkness, bad visibility or blindfolded without the normal penalties.


This is the ability to fight with your fists, feet etc.


This is the ability to make alcohol e.g. ale, wine etc.(specify which type).


This is the ability to carry out proper construction work. This could be on houses, castles, ships etc. (specify).


This is the ability to manufacture items from wood and craft them.


This is the ability to steer a chariot or cart with a single horse or with a team of horses.


This is the ability to scale sheer faces or walls both with and without climbing apparatus e.g. rope.


This is the ability to prepare, cook and serve food properly.


This is the ability to dance correctly and know various dances.


This is the ability to conceal ones’ identity or to make someone look like someone else.


This is the ability to take evasive action, e.g. from falling boulders, spike traps, fists etc.

Dowsing Or Divining

This is the ability to find water, minerals etc. by using a Y-shaped hazel twig, wire rods etc.


This is the knowledge of how to build mechanical mechanisms, buildings etc.


This is the ability to address people properly, show good manners, dine correctly and know how not to insult others.

First aid

This is the ability to administer basic first aid.


This is the ability to be a successful angler.


This is the ability to forge documents, banknotes, signatures etc., plus being able to identify a forgery if you see one.

Fortune Telling

This is the ability to see into the future by using tarot, rune-stones, palms etc. (specific or general).


This is the ability to gamble correctly and understand various games.


his is the ability to make potions, ointments etc. from plants.


This is the ability to conceal oneself or hide items.

Identify Traps

This is the ability to identify the type and mechanics of a trap.

Instrument playing

This is the ability to play a musical instrument, e.g. flute, lute, violin etc.


This is the ability to appear and speak in an intimidating manner.


Seamstresses can make any type of clothing from material.


This is the ability to grapple an opponent, and can be used to do physical damage or just to restrain them.

Skills Descriptions

  • Intimidation This is the ability to appear and speak in an intimidating manner.
  • Jesting This is the ability to be a fool, tell jokes and amuse others.
  • Jump This is the ability to jump, e.g. over chasms, pits etc.
  • Law This is the ability to know the legal from the illegal, plus know the legal system, local laws etc. (This can be general law or law for a specific region may be chosen).
  • Leadership This is the ability to command others and generate respect.
  • Listening This is the ability to hear what’s going on around you.
  • Lip Reading This is the ability to know what a person is saying by watching their lips. Providing you can understand the language that the person’s speaking!
  • Lock Picking This is the ability to open locks without the necessary key, e.g. with hairpins, wire etc. The Roll is the characters’ skill minus the locks value.
  • Lore Ancient This is the ability to know about long forgotten events.
  • Lore Animals This is the ability to identify, know where to find and know what an animal can do.
  • Lore Magic This is the ability to know about spell history and the magical arts.
  • Lore Plant This is the ability to identify, know where to find and know what a plant can do.
  • Lore Races This is the ability to know the traditions and culture of a specific race, e.g. Elves, Trolls etc. (specify which race).
  • Magic Concealment This is the ability to cast a spell with out anyone knowing who cast it.
  • Modern History This is the ability to know about recent events to people and places, (general history or a specific region).
  • Military Tactics This is the ability to direct a military campaign and determine what an opponents force will most likely do.
  • Mining This is the ability to mine for ores and jewels, plus what geology to look for and how to identify finds.
  • Navigation This is the ability to navigate correctly, e.g. through using a compass, maps or the stars.
  • Observation This is the ability to notice things around you.
  • Occult This is the ability to understand the arcane arts, the power and the dangers that they possess.
  • Painting This is the ability to create drawings, e.g. pencil, water colours, oil paintings etc.
  • Pickpocket This is the ability to remove items from someone else’s person (hopefully without them noticing)!
  • Pottery This is the ability to make plates, cups etc. from clay.
  • Reading & Writing This is the ability to read and write a specific language.
  • Regional Knowledge This is the amount of what you know about an area. If you select a city as your knowledge area you will know every alley in that city. If you pick a region then you will know the location of towns, villages, etc…
  • Religion This is the ability to understand theology.
  • Remove Traps This is the ability to disarm a trap. You have to identify it first to understand its mechanics.
  • Riding This is your ability to ride an animal. This could be a horse, camel, dragon etc. (specify).
  • Sailing This is the ability to sail any ships, boats or any other sailing craft. It doesn’t mean you can navigate or make major repairs.
  • Shield Use This is the ability to use a shield properly
  • Singing This is the ability to sing. This doesn’t mean you can remember songs.
  • Stealth This is the ability to move quietly and slowly preventing visual or sound detection by others. Movement rate is halved while using this skill.
  • Streetwise This is the ability to spot potential trouble, know where not to go, know people to avoid and who’s OK, specifically in urban areas.
  • Subterfuge This is the ability to lie without getting caught or showing suspicious signs.
  • Survival This is your ability to survive in a given habitat. This teaches you what to eat, where to get it and what to avoid etc. You can choose from Ocean, Mountain, Desert, Forest and Arctic.
  • Swimming This is your ability to swim, (or sink!).
  • Teach This is the ability to pass on knowledge to others.
  • Torture This is the ability to inflict pain and misery upon others for whatever reasons. This means you know the techniques to gain maximum pain and know where to apply them.
  • Tracking This is the ability to hunt something down.
  • Trapping This is the ability to build and set traps.
  • Ventriloquism This is the ability to ‘send’ your voice to another direction or person.
  • Weapon Blunt This is the ability to use any blunt weapon, e.g. mace, club.
  • Weapon Bladed This is the ability to use any bladed weapon, e.g. sword, dagger etc.
  • Weapon Missile This is the ability to use any missile weapon, e.g. bows.
  • Weapon Repair This is the ability to make simple repairs to a weapon.
  • Weaving This is the ability to make cloth and includes making clothes. them.

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