Character Generation

Created 18 Jun 2023, Published 18 Jun 2023, Last modified 10 May 2024 23:48


What do I need?

Dice you will need are 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 2d10, 1d12 and 1d20. (The 2d10’s will be required for percentile rolls and if possible should be of different colour, one die shall represent tens the other units.) A pencil, eraser and a character sheet, (or a piece of paper). A Guide (referee) and a minimum of two players.

Permission to use the Swords & Scrolls character sheet for personal use only is given. No other part of this book may be replicated or modified in any way without the written permission of Adrian Sweeney.

Step 1 - Generating the characters

There are nine main statistics and three methods with which to generate them. These are Strength (STR), Agility (AGI), Stamina (STA), Intelligence (INT), Wisdom (WIS), Appeal (APP), Magic Resistance (MR), Status (ST) and Cool (CL).


  1. Roll 1d100 for each of the nine stats.
  2. Rolls 2d10 add together and multiply by 5 for each of the nine stats.
  3. Roll 5d10 and double for each of the nine stats.

Players are permitted to re-roll one of the nine numbers, however, they must keep the re-roll. Other than a single re-roll a player may scrap all nine initial rolls and opt to re-roll all nine again. They may do this once and must stick with all of the new numbers.

Step 2 - Picking Your Race and Class

Before assigning your character statistics you need to decide which Race and Class that you want to be.

The races are Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Half-Elf, Half-Giant, Halfling, Human, Modrey, Pixie and Troll.

The Classes that are available are Bard, Magi, Priest, Ranger, Thief and Warrior.

Step 3 - Skill Points

To calculate the number of points you have for skills check the Character Skill Points Section of the Guides. Once you know the number of skill points you can start to spend them. You can choose to spend points on any skill you want.

If you wish you can have a Hallmarks, some hallmarks cost skill points we call these talents. if you need additional skill points you can always buy a shortcomming and receive that amount of skill points

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